(02 Jun 2022, 8:41 am)DeltaMan wrote The only reason I walk more is the goverment told me not to use public transport for months on end and got used to it.
Aye totally agreed must admit I'm partially the same, then again I was doing it beforehand as buses around here are just expensive and I like walking, easier to time the connection with the Metro aswell.
(02 Jun 2022, 9:04 am)busmanT wrote Alas, the last 9 months of continual staff shortage and "Short notice" cancellations have probably driven thousands of passengers away from Go North East services, especially in those areas badly hit by daily cancellations.
On X45/X46 there can hardly have been a day when there hasn't been multiple cancellations - 47/47A almost as many, plus 47/47A seem to suffer badly from breakdowns and other operational incidents.
X45/X46 are going to have reduced from every 15 mins to every 20 mins to every 30 mins in a very short time.
Even if evening services are still run by Go North East, it appears that most will, at best, only be hourly rather than being half hourly as many are now.
The current situation reminds me exactly of the bus industry in the mid to late 1970s.
Yeah totally agreed, must admit I don't agree with the funding ending now it's just totally the wrong time. They just haven't gave them time to recover not to mention the staff shortages which is partially their fault aswell.
The government don't give a toss though but I wouldn't want buses nationalised currently either, the railways in both England and Scotland aren't exactly glowing with both of them on strike and Network Rail planning massive cuts to dangerously low levels, no doubt heading back to the dark ages of BR which happened at the same time during the 70's.