(02 Jun 2022, 8:45 am)Dan wrote And I suspect you’re not the only one!
There are many occasions where operators shoot themselves in the foot - a number of members of this forum have shared their opinions on the matter and all are probably contributing factors - but the crucifying message at the beginning of the pandemic from Government that public transport was not safe and should be avoided is a big reason for poor passenger recovery in my opinion. These customers have been lost to alternative modes (including walking) and will likely never return.
Go North East aside, I don't think operators helped relay the message that public transport is safe either, coming out of the pandemic. Stagecoach and Arriva were running with the 2m exclusion zone, front seats taped off and social distancing signs up until about a month or so ago.
I don't agree it's a big reason for poor passenger recovery though, and I think in large part it's been forgotten about. I thought this Transport Focus publication was quite interesting on the subject: https://www.transportfocus.org.uk/public...ly-survey/
(02 Jun 2022, 10:33 am)DeltaMan wrote "Walking and cycling isn't good for you, get the bus instead"
I am not sure even Best Impressions could spin that one in to a positive message.
I think it's a complete myth to suggest that more people walking and cycling is responsible for a supposed (up to) 20% decline in passenger numbers. I don't actually think there's any understanding of why this is yet, other than suggesting people aren't returning to public transport, but I think the issue is bigger than that. For me, the two largest contributing factors are full home/hybrid working and social isolation.
Full home and hybrid working are going to be here to stay, until the Government start levying businesses (or even employees) for being able to do that. Even though I personally benefit from being able to work from home when I want, it's clear that it's going to decimate high streets that are already on life support, never mind bus services. If I didn't get enough use out of my monthly ticket as a leisure user, I don't think I'd bother going in more than the odd day, as I don't think operators have recognised and provided a true cost-effective hybrid worker travel ticket yet.
Andreos1 is spot on above - there needs to be an effective, sustained strategic campaign to get people back on board, but I think half the challenge is getting all operators on board.
As much as they get slated, Go North East by far do the most in this area. Metro do some good promotion, but Stagecoach and Arriva often feel like they're being dragged along by their tails, whilst Nexus stick their fingers in their ears and pretend that nothing is happening.