(15 Jun 2022, 8:26 pm)Storx wrote Personally I wish they'd attempt to do the old GNE X32 route but serving all stops additionally serving all villages between Beamish and Pelton and additionally going through Kibblesworth instead of the actual 29.
It would open a new link between Stanley and Gateshead and also Newcastle and Team Valley. It's absolutely ridiculous there's no bus service between the two during the day with the second 28 also running to Stanley instead of CLS as it's just duplicating other areas and would open links from Birtley, Wrekenton and the QE to Stanley.
For the other part of the 28. I'd extend the 71 to Quaking Houses via this route as it's too hard to explain - https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Chester-...97!1m0!3e0
Then withdrawn the 30 and 31 in the process, short services like that are useless and it gives new links from Stanley and Beamish to Houghton and Seaham (if anyone actually needs it but it's there).
I'm presuming the 703D isnt enough on its own. Ill post a pdf in the suggestions thread regarding an idea.