(13 Jun 2022, 3:20 pm)F114TML wrote I think the through services will do:
Terrace - Cornwall - Webb Avenue - Station Estate
Because the other option would mean you could stand on one side of the road and get a 61 to Sunderland that goes around all the estates, or stand on the other side of the road and get a 61 to Sunderland that's 10-15 minutes quicker because it doesn't go through the estates. Also, aside from the care home, people very rarely get on or off between the terrace and the cenotaph. They can live on an hourly service maybe probably ish.
Sorry picking this up a day late…
You’re probably right about the route around Murton of the through services, but DCC will have to get out to improve bus stops on the other side of road, I don’t think Burnip Road or Webb Avenue even have bus stop flagpoles on the opposite side, as nothing has went the other way round Truro Avenue, since the old 65 was withdrawn in 2013. And I don’t think that version 65 went along Burnip Road as it went via Toft Crescent to serve Barnes Road, I believe.