(21 Jun 2022, 6:19 pm)Jimmi wrote Riverside probably still makes the most sense for the X21, it's only roughly an extra 10 miles and around 10 minutes to run light to/from Riverside than it is from CLS depot and be easier to facilitate driver changeovers most likely at Gateshead Interchange with X66 being used as transport whereas Washington & Consett would require staff vans to get somewhere on the route for changeovers, most likely CLS as its about the closest location along the route for changeovers which would likely equate to more dead milage and more driving hours.An extra 10 miles is pretty much an extra 50%, which means costs for running the early services go up quite a bit (25% if my maths is right), probably to the point where there 'won't be enough passengers to cover the running costs'
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