(05 Jul 2022, 8:22 pm)streetdeckfan wrote And I wouldn't trust Labour to run the country either!They locked down a week late causing thousands of extra death
For all Boris' faults, I honestly don't think the current government has done a bad job at running the country given the circumstances. It's all the 'extra curricular activities' that has caused all the drama!
should have lockdown over October Half Term back in 2020, ended up having a 8-10 week lockdown instead of a week one.
Ah don't forget the cost of living crisis, but who cares Rishi's wife a billionaire, Johnson just had a £150K treehouse installed!
The Secretary of State for DCMS is utterly useless, the Instagram Secretary (Liz Truss) well thats all you can say, and the Deputy Prime Minster the man, who refused to leave Bojo until he got that role cos he stayed on HOILDAY while the war in Ukraine started.