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Euro 6 credentials & road stripes being added to more buses

Euro 6 credentials & road stripes being added to more buses

RE: Euro 6 credentials & road stripes being added to more buses
(08 Jul 2022, 9:59 pm)ne14ne1 wrote Newcastle Clean Air Zone (CAZ):

“Subject to government approval, charges for non-compliant taxis, buses and HGVs would begin from 30 January 2023.”

“Cabinet members will also be asked to agree further support measures, including additional exemptions for a small number of vehicles such as rail replacement buses and coaches, bus and HGV driver training vehicles, breakdown recovery vehicles, hybrid vehicles and taxis and vans belonging to people living within the CAZ area.”
Was looking on the government website to see how much it was for a vehicle to be charged, I checked a Euro 5 B7TL and thats £50 to enter but for a Euro 5 Streetlite its free.
Must be depending on their age as the B7RLE's need to paided to be allowed into Newcastle.
Looking at the 2013 and 15 lites it is the age of the vehicle as the 2013 ones cant enter but 2015's can

RE: Ne14ne1
RE: Ne14ne1
RE: Ne14ne1
RE: Ne14ne1
RE: Ne14ne1
RE: Euro 6 credentials & road stripes being added to more buses