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Euro 6 credentials & road stripes being added to more buses

Euro 6 credentials & road stripes being added to more buses

RE: Euro 6 credentials & road stripes being added to more buses
(09 Jul 2022, 8:09 am)Andreos1 wrote But has been said many times before, the emission hot spots are mainly those dominated by bus or used heavily by bus.
Blackett Street, Moseley St and Market St aren't exactly full of cars and you've got Percy St that has its obvious limitations and traffic management for car drivers. Neville St and Gosforth High St are both on the list, despite the huge investment in bus priority measures.

A fleet of half empty buses following each other in and out of the town isn't an effective use of resource, regardless of the pollution or emissions being pumped out.

Of course there's a whole different argument about why theres a fleet of half empty buses going in and out of the town, but that's probably for another thread.

The problem around eldon sq bus station is compounded at busy times by car drivers queuing to get in a car park, blocking the junction and sometimes backing up to the gate or the boulevard.  I think most will agree that if the car parks weren't right next to the bus stations it wouldn't be quite as bad.  Imagine it's pretty hideous there today with Magic Weekend at the stadium too.

It's been a couple of years since i've been up Gosforth, but my memory even 2 years ago is of 02, 07, or 57 plate deckers flooding the place right up and down the high street - which have only relatively recently been sent to pasture at Alpha.  To be honest walking up from the school up the high street wasn't a pleasant experience because of that - I have no idea what they're putting on there now, but it surely has to be better than what was there.

With the best will in the world, and the best efforts of RIBAS and moaning at by management, drivers aren't going to turn off their engines in the depth of winter - 1 because the heating doesn't actually blow hot when it's on ignition, and 2, there's a reasonable chance some won't restart.

RE: Ne14ne1
RE: Ne14ne1
RE: Ne14ne1
RE: Ne14ne1
RE: Ne14ne1
RE: Euro 6 credentials & road stripes being added to more buses