(24 Jul 2022, 2:28 pm)L469 YVK wrote 78 and short X15 on a Sunday would be StreetLite operated.
Not quite.....6356-63 have way more features and better interiors compared to 6308-14.
For starters, the new X21 PVR of 8x matches the exact number of StreetDecks.
Furthermore, 6377 can make up the PVR of the X21 which is 14x (6364-76 + 6377) with 6331-33 moving to Washington as spares for the 50/X1.
If by 'way more features' you mean the 100% working wireless chargers and the death trap handles on the seats, then yeah, they do!
As for the interiors, I still prefer the older style ones. They're so much brighter because they don't have the brown walls. Whoever thought that was a good idea needs put down! Sure, blue is a bit cold, but they could have went with something a bit brighter.
The tables are inferior on the newer StreetDecks as well, they put the wireless charger right in the middle, and if you've tried to use a laptop on one, you'll instantly realise it's not a good experience as one corner sits on the charger causing it to wobble!
I'd also argue that the leather seats are superior, not only because they're 'posher', but because they're wipe clean and don't absorb arse sweat and skin cells.