(24 Jul 2022, 6:59 pm)Storx wrote Yeah can't disagree to be honest. I can't remember where it was but there's a map around detailing where commuter flows are going from surveys and I know Sunderland is really unique in that a lot of people don't leave Sunderland whereas pretty much everywhere else commutes towards Newcastle.
I know I'm derailing the thread a bit but I wish Nexus would push the Metro extension to Doxford Park that they had planned, it's by far the most worthwhile route rather than the fantasy lines to Washington and from the Metro Centre to Chester Le Street. Bar a 20m section near university the route is all free pretty much and if this government is serious about 'levelling up' it should be the sort of thing being built. Manchester has had a fortune on similar tram routes.
The pink line below is the Doxford Park route for those who don't know what it is.
That will never happen, there’s no demand, the cost of footing the bill will outway any volume of passengers, that line was the coal line going down to water front and was never connected to the main railway line, and connecting it to the main metro line will be costly and buildings will have to be demolished to make the turn right towards park lane or turn left towards pallion, due to this it was recommended at the time it was a potential for a tram system with a connection for passengers onto metro system, it was a pie in the sky dream vision
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