(05 Aug 2022, 11:21 am)streetdeckfan wrote Didn't they pull all advertising because of the driver shortage?No idea. Not sure there was much advertising or marketing prior to the pandemic either mind.
They spent a fortune on that god awful X-Lines advert, and how long did it last, a week?
Then they wonder why the likes of the 71 dies a slow death.
(05 Aug 2022, 11:23 am)Clifton Hignett III wrote I was once employed by the Bread Council to conduct investigation into the various loaves on offer and whether they met the standards expected by the council's 'Bread Board'.As long as you worked for your dough. That's the main thing.
It was a funny job, people used to ask me what I did and I told them I was "in bread". It always got me some funny looks.