(07 Aug 2022, 2:32 pm)Adrian wrote How many instances have there been, and out of those instances, how many have had bridge alert systems fitted? I'm not sure how you can suggest that an alert system doesn't reduce/mitigate/eliminate, without having the data the compare?That's what I was asking. I'm not suggesting one thing or another. Merely asking an open ended question about cost benefits and whether these systems have reduced instances exclusively and have proven their worth financially or otherwise.
It's not just the driver you're protecting with such system. You're also protecting the customers, if heaven forbid there were some on the upper deck at a time of collision. A safety investigation into any previous de-roofing incidents would expect you to put processes and systems into place to prevent them in the future, and when there's a potential unlimited fine if found guilty of corporate manslaughter, I'd suggest systems like these are an absolute must.
They're just one of the many independent, retro fitted systems that are costing a financially challenged operator money and may or may not have an ROI.
But as for operators having bridge strikes: https://www.google.com/search?q=bus+hitting+bridge&client=ms-android-huawei-rev1&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjy2NWE_LT5AhW2hv0HHYgFD00Q_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=641&dpr=3
The majority of these are all big players and I'd assume would have invested in this technology.
The technology hasn't eliminated the risk. It can only reduce it. Just as traditional methods can.
(07 Aug 2022, 2:46 pm)morritt89 wrote When I worked at Arriva, I'm pretty sure the deckers there had no bridge warning system. GNE deckers do. Where the system falls down is something like a coach (an air conditioned Levante is 12'9) however there is no bridge warning system but there are some bridges you can get a single decked bus under but the coach would hit the bridge. What there should be is a system similar to that in some cars (Levantes have it, amongst other safety features) where if a sensor detects an obsticle, the brakes are applied.There was an ambulance blocking the road outside Saltburn Station the other evening.
As for other bits of kit fitted, GNE have RIBAS which monitors drivers driving skills and gives them a weekly score (most drivers don't care about this) but according to managers (when it was rolled out...again) "the insurance company requires it to be fitted as a condition of the policy."
Arriva have (or had) Econospeed fitted. I believe they have (or had) shares in the company that developed it.
What about costs of maintenance for radio systems. Arriva don't (or didnt) have radios and you could claim expenses for phone calls when you inevitably broke down. GNE has two radio systems- Tait and Motorola. You can also send and receive messages on the ticket machines when the radio doesn't work or isn't fitted to a vehicle (very frequently).
Two ANE buses came down (drivers didn't use logic or common sense, didn't look for alternative routes) and blocked the road.
They talked to each other for a while, one rang someone (the depot to get instructions presumably) and they continued to wait.
I'm not saying having a radio would have fixed this issue or the delays, but in an area that may not have had a decent mobile signal...