(15 Aug 2022, 2:41 pm)Drifter60 wrote I really hope some of these changes are just temporary the A690 corridor only having 4 bph seems very sparse when considering you had the 20 every 10 minutes in the past + the 55 in various guises twice an hour & 2 buses extra, each hour with the X20. The 65 changes mean there’s now only 1 bus to Seaham from Murton each hour, when there was 3 ph back in July.Especially the 8 being every hour, every time I've seen or been on the 8 it always has 20-30 passengers.
Whilst I must admit it’s preferable in one sense to have stripped back timetables rather than missing services/cancellations left, right and centre some of the changes lack any sense of forethought. I’ll expand on my thoughts when I’ve got more time. But the amount of changes/cuts we’ve seen since the pandemic can surely only be putting customers off. People aren’t necessarily going to flock back to the 65, 10B and the 8 once they’re increased (if they ever go back) to the usual timetables, as people will have changed to other methods of getting around - car sharing or perhaps cycling.
RE: September 2022 Service Changes