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Go North East Commercial services vs Nexus/DCC Secured services

Go North East Commercial services vs Nexus/DCC Secured services

RE: Go North East Commercial services vs Nexus/DCC Secured services
From my many emails back and forth on average 5 emails a month to Nexus specifically about Nexus Secured Services only (not the commercial ones)

The fares and conditions are set by Nexus if there is an issue email them to see if they will update information and suggestions.

It's always helpful to cc a local cllr when communicating with Nexus so they are aware there is an issue locally.

This includes making them aware of a Nexus Secured Service not running or...running early or feedback

I regularly have a Nexus secured service that likes to run in excess of 7 minutes early and 11 minutes early one day!

How can Nexus improve a service if we don't feed info to them.

I must admit they altered a bus route due to customer feedback and consulted with customers on that service

Chatted to a few drivers and they never saw anyone on the service but the moaned about a level crossing and getting stuck at it

Gets you thinking...

Customer feedback or wingy drivers who can't have a fag break?

In order for transparency

It is also good to feed info to commercial operators too.

I recall contacting Dan last year about bus changes which meant the first bus was not until after 0930 according to Nexus website and bus stop signage on a Saturday.

After a few emails back and forth which Dan was rightly confused he was sharing links to GNE site and I was sharing links to Nexus site timetable and taking photos of the bus stop

Dan Did fab to get the issue rectified and changed in less than 3 days I recall.

But Dan would never of known unless I raised the issue so his computer would of said there was no demand for that service however there was no demand as to a customer it was a ghost bus no one knew it operated

So feedback Is important good and bad queries...

RE: Go North East Commercial services vs Nexus/DCC Secured services