(27 Sep 2022, 5:51 pm)Lollist wrote Personally I think the 2016 Enviro 200 MMC should head down to Stockton along with the ALX300S (2019 E200MMC head tnorthqarda) as well as sending a batch of stocktons enviro 300 to Newcastle as well and maybe they could attempt to get some more deckers down for the 36 in which gets very busy until late hours wxample: 7am-10am services are busy as well as 15:00pm to 8pm services are very busy which the envirob300s sometimes can't handle, especially on thr 35 ti Wolvi Court is absolutely ramacked and an enviro 300 cannot handle it they ar edumb enough to put 19680 on thr 7:00 run only for it to change on to thr 58, the least busiest route and they don't run it on the school time?the problem is Stockton's E300s as far as i know aren't CAZ compliant, so by transferring MMCs from Newcastle to Stockton for E300s that aren't compliant, so you are literally pouring money down a drain.
as for more Deckers most Newcastle services are very busy and more services could do with an uplift in capacity in my opinion.
so as for more double Deckers in the Tees area i doubt this would happen unless either there's a cascade of vehicles elsewhere which saying as most divisions are trying to uplift capacity modestly after covid there's a slim chance of bagging a few, another option is that a lot of near end of life tridents are going so maybe being lucky and try to grab a few of them.
or finally my preferred option would be that if in the slim chance of new MMCs double decks arrive in Newcastle. for example if 25 new vehicles turned up i would do the following.
put all 25 in service at walkergate. the 5 2007 registered E400s throughout the fleet go to Stockton allowing 5 single decks (ideally) ALX300s to go to hartlepool allowing a capacity uplift and maybe 4 of the worst E200s to get scrapped and one vehicle spare.
next ten of the 2008 E400s go to Sunderland to allow 5 E200s to cascade to hartlepool (again replacing 5 of the worst examples to be disposed of) and four single decks (any CAZ compliant) to go to slatyford or if none available 4 to go to Stockton to replace ALX300s or defective E300s. maybe 2 ALX300s and 2 of the GEN1 E300s to be used as engineering spares.
finally ten vehicles perhaps either 2010 or 2011 E400s go to slatyford allowing maybe 3 E200s to cascade to hartlepool and 6 single decks to cascade elsewhere (any none CAZ compliant) examples. this gives a healthy ratio of increasing capacity and also replacing obsolescent vehicles