Taxing the entire global profits of Amazon at 50% only raises around £20bn. John McDonnell could probably have only got £2bn of that, if he resorted to extreme measures.
Measures ensuring that measly £2bn was wiped out in the same way Truss quickly evaporated her own mythical calculus at the altar of the markets. It was hilarious to see McDonnell not realising this sort of market punishment of batshit economics is exactly why many said his lot would crash the pound.
You might as well be saying bus drivers can pay their higher bills by lifting the sofa cushions and raiding their penny jars for all the sense it makes.
Both the markets and swing voters see through utter bollox like this quite easily.
If Kier Starmer takes wet dream union derived hot garbage like this to the ballot box at the next election as his economic plan, especially if at that time the country is still gripped by strikes and a leadership vacuum, it's an odds on certainty he will lose.
In that scenario, the parts of the country that matter in an election will want the dead eyed conviction of a real Thatcher Reborn, not the superficial mimicry of Truss. Think Lord Protector Mogg.
And as we all surely know by now, in our system, which Kier Starmer has no public plans to change, anything less than a straight up majority, is a loss. The suspicion that he might use a majority to usher in PR without a mandate only makes it even less likely he will win the key battlegrounds.
If striking bus drivers can't do basic addition and subtraction, let alone understand Politics 101, maybe their claims of what a fair wage looks like to them, is indeed complete Trot? Or should we say Truss now?
Thanks to Thatcher's dead eyed conviction, busting the unions and freeing up capital such that even low born oiks like me could thrive, I'm alright. Less than £10 a week does me fine, as I see out the last twenty years of my economic usefulness to my beloved country.
At a stretch I can even afford a car if bus drivers think they can out do the likes of me in the game of Fuck You Jack.
And I'm norbutt an extremely liberal minded One Nation Conservative, who can see quite well, even if the Red Remainers can't, that the ultimate cause of Brexit was David Cameron rather stupidly believing the EU were a reasonable bunch who shared British values of decency and fair play. More fool us.
As the blue rinse set dies out, there's entire generations out there raised on much harsher ideological grounds, ready and willing to ensure a Union Official in sheeps clothing, as Starmer continues to appear to be, doesn't get his hands on the Keys To The Kingdom.
You would hope the country would have come to a consensus by now on this asburd claim that all you need do to thrive is tax the rich and corporations, in the same way that all now seem to accept trickle down economics is bollocks too. But sadly not.
How many times must the socialist dream fail to even get a chance of being implemented, before they realise its about time they came up with a different theory, if they hate neoliberal cornerstones like having a competitive corporate tax rate, so much?
Unlike previous generations, you risk ensuring your children live their entire lives without ever seeing the politics they are raised to believe is the correct one.
How ironic to think that a lifetime of sufferance for a doomed cause is so very.....Soviet.
Should we be arming ourselves to repel an insurrection next year? Or are the proles going to come to their senses and return to the land of common sense and pragmatism?
It's always been rather obvious that if you claim to speak for the down trodden super majority and yet you can't even reliably win a 50%+1 electoral vote, that somewhere along the line you started to lose the plot big time.
As their official Spokesperson, the Blue Collar Northern (shy) Tories would welcome a return to a sensible battle of sensible ideas as part of the daily cut and thrust of politics. By all means, join us in this goal.
Or not.
I'm quite sure Amazon are laughing at you either way.
I buy my shopping at Lidl and my jeans at Primark. I make the clear choice (and it is still a choice in our country) to avoid giving Amazon any money at all, out of loyalty to my father, who was a multi drop HGV driver.
It is noted however that in these straightened times, Amazon seem to be quite fond of working with independent minded self starting haulage contractors, men like my father, rather than their corporate peers, afflicted as they still are with unreasonable unionised workforces.
If I'm the naive child here, you's lot haven't got a chance of achieving anything in life. Except perhaps giving yourselves ulcers at fifty. I'm in rude health, as confirmed by a full medical at a recent job that wasn't hard won by strikes or socialist claptrap, but the clear common sense of Tory employment policy (it benefits all concerned if companies are highly motivated to ensure their workplaces aren't hazardous to their employees health).
Like much of claimed progress under Labour or labour, much of the actual progress in things like how to stop work being hazardous or discriminatory or soul crushingly depressing, has been done by Tory governments quietly working on the business of making laws and general governance.
Things like asessing pandemic preparedness, one of many things that didnt happen in the Parliamentary sessions between the Brexit vote and the election of Johnson, by which time, following the grand traditions of Labour and labour, the damage had already been done.
RE: Sunderland Stagecoach Strike