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Go North East - Fares increase again 23rd October 2022

Go North East - Fares increase again 23rd October 2022

RE: Go North East - Fares increase again 23rd October 2022
(17 Oct 2022, 7:41 pm)stagecoachbusdepot wrote Probably an attempt to maximise revenue from that scheme but, like many decisions over the last year or two, seems to be designed to be self-harming in the long term.  Hike fares by more inflation, piss off all of your customers (who end up ditching the bus, or grudgingly pay the higher far, bad mouth the company and meanwhile aspire to ditch the bus), then a couple of months later, fares drop again thanks to the price cap - but by this time passenger numbers are far lower as those who can, have given up on GNE.  For the sake of 2 months, it seems a pyschotic move from GNE towers...

And lack of notice is inexcusable.  If their financial woes are so great they need to hike prices this much, they must have been aware of this coming down the line with more than 7 days notice.

I'm sure it's been asked before but are the fares on secured services set by Nexus/the LA or GNE?
I would love to see GNE Management take questions from people on FB lives like they used too

GNE pick fares.

RE: Go North East - Fares increase again 23rd October 2022
RE: Pricing
RE: Pricing