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Go North East - Fares increase again 23rd October 2022

Go North East - Fares increase again 23rd October 2022

RE: Go North East - Fares increase again 23rd October 2022
(20 Oct 2022, 10:11 pm)Storx wrote By the look of it the minimum fare is going to be £1.90 aswell after these changes which isn't cheap at all.

If that's the case, then it'll be 50p cheaper for me to get the Arriva 6 into Bishop than the X21, whereas the difference is currently 10p. There's also currently a 10p difference in the return, with Arriva being slightly cheaper.

If the price differential increases, then I'll definitely just take the Arriva 6 instead, whereas at the minute I just get whichever comes first because they're as near as makes no difference the same price.

RE: Go North East - Fares increase again 23rd October 2022
RE: Pricing
RE: Pricing