(29 Jan 2014, 3:49 pm)Dan wrote The whole idea behind Crook not receiving the former Cobalt Clipper Citaros is that single deckers would leave people behind - the service requires double decker vehicles.
News to me, As from what I recall from before Christmas it was Unconfirmed and I haven't seen or Read anything in regards to the X7 or X21 since as to whether they'd get the Citaros off the Cobalt Clipper, To be honest though in the Few Times I have used the X21 it's only been Busy between Newcastle and Durham, Onwards to Bishop Auckland I would say Passenger Numbers vary through the Day. I'm sure PDiddy could tell us whether the X21 requires Double Deckers or Not. Could always put 5337/38 on the X21 also at Peak Times to cope with Passenger Demand from Durham University.