(04 Feb 2023, 10:47 am)F114TML wrote Perhaps if it did happen, the 2200s would go on the town routes with the Ecos recieving a full gasbus allocation. Do STC impose penalties or get mad when a 3600 or 3900 makes its way onto them?
Aye possibly, not sure how the penalties work. I think it's just they can't move the bus from the depot without a newer replacement.
Maybe they might have a clause, we've got new electric buses coming, can we do this until then to help us out. If I was the council I'd agree personally, electric buses would be a massive coup for them vs some 12 year old Diesel buses. It's not as if they're much older tbh.
(04 Feb 2023, 10:49 am)toward6931 wrote
from harry barker on facebook
That Wheatsheaf? Don't recognise the depot well.