(24 Feb 2023, 7:16 am)Storx wrote Yeah some fair points. See personally what I'd do if I had the buses down there is scrap the X6 completely and change the 22/23 into it.I think every 15 mins just from Dalton park to Sunderland Via Seaham is more on the extreme end, there is just not the demand.
The X6 I believe is actually slightly quicker from Dalton Park to Sunderland believe it or not than the 22/23 and buses always 'feel quicker' when they're passing stops or running express for parts of it (even known it's not).
Like you said it would open quicker routes and also give Seaham a proper express to Sunderland rather than everyone cramming on the 60 and stopping everywhere.
So you'd end up with something like
60: Every 15 Minutes
61: Every 30 Minutes, Terminate at Murton
62: Every 30 Minutes, Current 61 route to Dalton Park, old 62 route to South Hetton or Easington Lane (depending on timings), extended hourly to Peterlee
Combined Every 7.5 Minutes, Sunderland to Seaham Grange.
22/23: Every 15 Minutes express from Dalton Park to Sunderland via Seaham and the Garden Village planned.
X6: Withdrawn
Would improve most the messy links around there especially the 61 farce.
I could see GNE improving the X6 to every 30 mins, as currently it gets rammed