(28 Mar 2023, 7:38 pm)streetdeckfan wrote You'd be surprised how accurate the fuel gauges can be on modern vehicles.
I was messing about with the Mercedes Star computer on my mother's Smart Fortwo and I'm fairly sure it tells you down to the 0.1 litre how much is in the tank.
It's fairly accurate as well. Out of curiosity, I checked it before we filled up and it was pretty much spot on what the pump at Sainsburys said we'd put in!
Solos in particular are awful - sender units just stop reporting and beep at you every time it looses signal and then regains it - particularly for adblu gauges. Now I come to think of it speedos are poor as well - causing the RIBAS to have a fit - can also affect the gear shifting.
Mercs often were reporting low on fuel from early afternoon even though they'd last the full day. Going back to the days of Darts & Scanias - no one new as they either never or rarely worked or were painted over.
Gauges like this are not PG9s for service vehicles so never get fixed. The training bus did run out of fuel down the teams once when I was on an assessment one day, at least it was a nice sunny day whilst we controlled traffic around it.