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RE: GNE Twitter account
(05 Jun 2023, 9:20 pm)Andreos1 wrote I'd hope they were kicking and screaming. It's beyond obvious that it would be of huge benefit. 

But it beggars belief that each of the local big three (and at group level), didn't look at this sort of feature before signing a contract or in times of austerity, looked at developing their own app that does allow for push messages.

Realistically, that would still require paying someone to develop it for them, though and it's most cost effective to pay someone who already has the required functionality in their portfolio. So they might give the contract to company X who have experience in taking the appropriate freely available data and making it pretty and understandable (maps, real time timetables, route planning etc) but to add in functionality like push notifications, which isn't a part of their regular portfolio would involve a lot more developer time which, of course, costs extra money that they may not recoup.

GNE Twitter account
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