(07 Jun 2023, 6:56 pm)Storx wrote Wrong Easington :p, it's only 26 mile though.
I'd imagine it being hell on the A1(M) is a bus, be a complete chore, not to mention night closures on the A1 constantly lately which I'd assume they'd be affected by - the early runs at least.
Mind I'm surprised they haven't extended the late runs back through to Newcastle or at least Gateshead, assuming the CLS ends are just from the depot being there - won't add much on really but agreed with the outstation tbh.
Well I just selected the first option that came up in Google Maps!
I do wonder if they're regretting closing the outstation in Crook, seems like it could have come in handy with CLS closing.
Could have run the X21 and shared the 21 with Riverside if it wasn't getting electrified.