Bookmark this Dan….praise for GNE
Fairly substantial queues for the 21 last Thursday around rush hour, a less than ideal 20 minute wait. 3 21s arrived…all passengers loaded into 1 21 with support from a very late 28 whilst the other ran straight out to scoop up Gate and Wilkinson passengers. The 3rd went not in service but we caught up with it loading up the even bigger queue at High Level Bridge
The second was lightly loaded and took the strain at Gateshead whilst we sailed through
Worked fairly well and while the 20 minute plus wait on a 7 min service isn’t fantastic. whether it was drivers using common sense or being directed, it worked out well. The long waits are becoming regular esp since central motorway fire and even beforehand but this was the first time I’ve seen positive proactive management
RE: Disruptions and driver shortages
Wistfully stuck in the 90s