(22 Jul 2023, 12:00 pm)peter wrote 8339-8346 aren't Euro 6 so no good for CAZ. One option could be for these to go on the 35 (as they all are today coincidentally) displacing the 8320-8327 which are Euro 6 compliant. If these went to Washington for the 25/28/29 the Streetlites could go to Percy Main, with the Orbits split between Percy Main and Consett.
Can't see them going to Washington for the second time, they had severe issues last time.
Remember there's:
6308 - 6314, assuming the Streetdeck's go on the X21 otherwise you've got the Streetlite's either.
5380 - 5390
5442 - 5452
Ex London Deckers
which are all E6 and could potentially be used. I don't know what the loads are like but wherever 6308 - 6314 go could release singles to go to Consett. I've heard the 20/20A being mentioned though which could release some of the Sunderland Streetlite's to Consett.