(23 Jul 2023, 6:19 pm)Storx wrote They're going to Walkergate according to the Stagecoach fleet lists and the 62/63 is based at Slatyford so can't see that.
I have a feeling the second batch will directly replace buses on either the 12 or 38 but this lot is unknown. They've blatantly been redirected to here to get arid of the gas buses from Sunderland. It won't be a co-incidence that there's 14 buses being redirected + the 20 electrics just happens to total the number of gas buses ignoring the few which have semi been withdrawn.
If I had to take a punt, I'll say it's the 60 Plate Enviro 400's and 27723 - 27725 which will end up going to Sunderland. They've gradually been moving the 60 plates out over the past few years and the rest of the 11 plates are already there. More singles could move out aswell tbh, there's absolutely no need for 14 singles for a PVR 5 as the 317 is the only single decker route at Walkergate.
i think the reason for an overly large amount of singles at walkergate was to help with the increasingly unreliability of the hybrids, mind you if there's 24 new MMCs earmarked you could send all 26? (correct me if im wrong) hybrids to Sunderland. using 2 of the spare singles to cover for the missing 2 that would make 26
i would then use that as an excuse to remove 13 gas buses from service ready for transfer to wherever until Sunderland has got used to operating the hybrids, the excess singles at walkergate could potentially be used to either oust further gas buses or helping to oust either the MANviro E200s