(13 Aug 2023, 2:20 pm)Andreos1 wrote I'd not be surprised to see this and the 53/54 behaviour continue to be honest.
Whittle away at the stuff that doesn't work commercially or operationally and you're left with the core network that does both. In the interim anyway.
Then and only then, will we see the likes of SNE/GNE stepping in and plugging/filling/exploiting the gaps. Potentially with Nexus help.
Which is a good thing in the short term. But I just can't see ARRIVA sticking around until whatever happens with the Mayor comes to pass, not until they are divorced from all German decision making anyway.
I suppose the 'good' news is that I can't see much else to trim back, although I would be worried about anything north of Alnwick, certainly during the Winter.
I hope TNE and NEXUS have deep pockets!