(04 Sep 2023, 6:09 pm)mb134 wrote I notice there were quite a few delays on the Coast Road services today, ANEs 308 in the PM peak seemed particularly horrific but some GNE buses seemed to be heavily impacted too (6116 for example). If drivers have duties where they do 307/309s followed by a NTR stint, that could explain some of the reported late running on those services?
There's been some cancellations at Blyth all over the place today and the 306/308 was affected, doesn't help the X7/X8 usual delays were back. The X7-X11/306/308 have been all over the place today.
According to Bustimes, usual caveats, there wasn't a 308 from 16:05 to 17:30 towards Blyth, the 16:25 being pulled off and onto the 47. Seems like they prioritised getting all the X7-X11 boards running at peak time.
No doubt that would have an impact on the 309 being slammed aswell.