(07 Nov 2023, 11:55 pm)Storx wrote Aye fair points mind, but Arriva Yorkshire, who are technically the same management, had an indefinite strike last year which lasted 4 weeks and was a bit of a shambles.
https://www.unitetheunion.org/news-event...-pay-offer - That's the end one for it.
Didn't the Stagecoach Teesside strike last a couple weeks aswell, sure it did.
Not sure tbh - most of the strikes up here have seemed to be a week or two if that and don't forget we've already had two individual weeks and then a further almost two weeks of no service from GNE in the last 6 weeks, and plenty more to come it seems. Definitely feels like this is on a different scale, more amenable to competitors (if only there were any viable ones) getting a foothold.