(08 Nov 2023, 6:50 pm)wibblejunior wrote It seems that Walkergate has gained a number of Plaxton Interdecks and a Levante from other Stagecoach divisions.
Full list seems to be:
54269 YY65 VXL Walkergate Volvo B11RT / Plaxton Elite i Megabus
54270 YY65 VXM Walkergate Volvo B11RT / Plaxton Elite i Megabus
54276 YY65 VXT Walkergate Volvo B11RT / Plaxton Elite i Megabus
54281 YX66 WNN Walkergate Volvo B11RT / Plaxton Elite i Megabus
54282 YX66 WNO Walkergate Volvo B11RT / Plaxton Elite i Megabus
54283 YX66 WNP Walkergate Volvo B11RT / Plaxton Elite i Megabus
54601 YX68 UAJ Walkergate Volvo B11RT / Plaxton Elite i Megabus
54602 YX68 UAK Walkergate Volvo B11RT / Plaxton Elite i Megabus
54603 YX68 UAL Walkergate Volvo B11RT / Plaxton Elite i Megabus
59226 BN64 FKU Walkergate Scania / Caetano Levante 2 Blue
Any idea what they're here for?
Any ending up in *Sunderland, Slatyford, Shields, Hartlepool?
*delete as appropriate. But it means the question has been asked and doesn't need asking another million times