Just a thought what if GNE Traded in the Following via Optare, how much Discount would they get on such a Big Order, Plus would Intu/Great Park put any Money in Towards Investment, Like the Cobalt/Npower have for the Geminis on the 309/310 and X1/921, Just Curious, As this would then Allow for Vehicles to be Withdrawn, and obviously if the Crusader/Laser/Toonlink and Lime all Receive Investment, Further Cascades would allow for Further Withdrawal of older Vehicles in the Fleet, Thus allowing for Further Standardisation of the Fleet.
X40 Artics
X66 Artics
FAB 57/Pulse/Centurion Renowns
Total of Versas = 32 Versas
28 Citaros = Lime/Toonlink
34 Geminis = Laser/Crusader
Total = 94 New Buses - Over the 80 we are Expecting this Year - But for Discount on Big Orders/Possible Investment from Intu/Great Park, Then might worth Investing in Another 14 Buses
RE: 2014 GNE Bus Order Predictions