(07 Feb 2024, 9:50 pm)glen wrote If there do get new buses well get double dockers this time do you think? If get new buses?
Ideally Stockton should get more double deckers at least for the majority of 36/37/38 services they might be a case for peak time 35s and some service 12 journeys as well. However if the new electric buses do come they will very likely be single deckers. That then in theory pushes the MMCs on to other routes you could then possibly send the remaining Man 18.220 to Hartlepool to solve the issue of lack of buses with maybe a few of the 27s which should help for a year or 2.
In the meantime though really the Cleveland Transit side of things should really step up on what cascades become available with single decks for Hartlepool ( would love deckers back in the town as think certain 6/7 journeys could do with them but I know it’s not realistic). and deckers for Stockton.