(15 Aug 2024, 9:52 pm)Storx wrote These aren't commuters who have been to work etc though and are just leisure users.
Someone leaving work doesn't want nonsense like that, they want to go home after a hard day's work.
By all means run a summer service somewhere but it shouldn't be in service in frontline service. They'd arguably be better doing a shuttle from somewhere like Seaburn to Sunderland or South Shields to Ocean Park so the usual buses aren't slammed with beach goers.
Not sure how you can know they aren't commuters as they are just punters who get the bus - could be for any reason. As they aren't advertised runs I'm not talking about people seeking out open toppers. I am talking about avergae person in queue for bus, open topper arrives, punter happy (or indifferent) not angry is my experience.
Not sure why you think an open topper is stopping anyone getting home after a hard day's work either. It is a bus running the advertised route. Fair enough if it is pissing down and they have to sit upstairs in the rain but that doesn't seem to be the argument you are making so genuinely a bit baffled by what there is to moan about.
Also genuinely curious now, I'm not sure what the commuter versus leisure split is on the E routes.