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RE: Northstar
(14 Oct 2024, 11:13 pm)Rapidsnap wrote Oh there is plenty of bus stations abroad, it's just that European Countries don't seemed as obsessed about Health and Safety compared to the UK.

For example at the Bus Station at Chur for Post Auto services, buses / coaches pull forward into a marked bay, then intending passengers walk over the roadway to the bus they want to get on.

Disneyland Paris bus station has a busy bus station, but doesn't have any doors or railings blocking access to the roadway or anything prevent the use of exit doors on vehicles as shown here (and yes that is a high floor bus in 2022)

Leuven Bus Station in Belgium, there is no actual walkways and the bus station is basically a pedestrianized zone so people wander all over the place, enough to give a Nexus Bus Station Supervisor a nervous breakdown.

Even the railways in Europe, especially along the lines that are lower speeds, there is no fencing to stop people going on the tracks. They basically use common sense over there.

It's how interchanges should be imo, note that most of them are near a railway station aswell so it makes sense there. Other than coach services, there's not many which are just dotted in the middle of no-where in terms of interchanging as it just doesn't make sense most the time.

I hate pull in / pull out bus stations aswell, excluding coaches again. Mostly just an inconvenience and slow things down.

Btw the differences are because of the different legal systems. Europe use a civil law where it's rules based whereas we use common law which is based on past cases. So in Europe there is no doubt a law where, you are not allowed on the railway and that's final. Whereas in the UK there'll be no doubt some case in the past where someone has accidently walked onto a railway as they were doing something or blind and there was no fence so now they have a duty to place fences.

It's why you get claims for some outrageous stuff, I know someone tried to sue the Union Rooms in Newcastle for sliding down the banister as it was too low so was attractive. It got thrown out as they were drunk, but it's why there's spikes on it now but it sums up how stupid it can be.

(15 Oct 2024, 9:23 am)Jimmi wrote Never mind duel door, many nowadays can't even accommodate anything with the engine at the front like Stratas, even Optare Solos were a struggle at Durham Bus Station pre works (unsure if they still are as currently nobody has this type) imagine those vans on steroids GCT use on the 40 being an issue.

An example, 21 Transport using a Strata at Harrogate Bus Station - much of the doorway being behind the railings

It's the forwards wheels isn't it rather than the engine? I know Carlisle has problems like that and it's because they have to overhang over the curb to align the doors, obviously can't do that when there's wheels there.

Harrogate seems badly designed though mind.

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