(05 Jan 2025, 2:22 am)stagecoachbusdepot wrote Similar challenges to the 18 in Sunderland with this one I'd say. It does provide unique links but like you say it is a very very convoluted route especially in the west end where it must double back on itself three or four times.
Don't think you could just pull it out of Kenton, it doesn't really duplicate the 10 at all, more shadows the 7 if anything. It's the only bus service covering much of Montagu since they pulled the 15 years ago. If anything it's the loop around Buddle Road area I'd bin off, the whole lot of it is covered by the 1/30/31 at a much higher frequency.
Yeah you're right with the 18, least the hospital still exists on that one.
Btw, think you misread that, I meant literally 10 buses from Benwell to Newcastle on the 1/30 rather than the 10 itself.
Personally I'd say swap the 32/32A for something like this:
Then for the Kenton area just extend the 1 every 30 minutes like this:
It would arguably provide a better service anyway for pretty much everyone and would keep the links between Benwell itself, which are arguably needed in a way.