(29 Jan 2025, 11:16 am)Adrian wrote It's admirable if Stagecoach are cross-subsidising. It's how it should be done, but I know that other operators will look at services on a trip by trip basis, yet alone thinking about cross-subsidising others. Even though I'd say they have more need than Stagecoach to do it, due to their network models being significantly different.
I think in addition to a functioning abacus, she needs a good team around her to deliver this. We all know she has no background in transport, and I worry that the most senior people there that do, are the wrong people. Time will tell!
Ignoring GoNorthEast as we know what they're about but I think it's a bit unfair to give Stagecoach the credit here when they've cut services like the 32 and 35 and are happy to take money for the 1 and 30/31/36 to boost the frequency but criticise Arriva for it.
As far as I'm aware, bar the evening services on the 57a, the whole of the Northumbria network is fully commercial ignoring the extra BSIP enhancements which are routes which they never ran in the first place (2 BPH Cramlington to Morpeth and Ashington and the 434 - these were always hourly etc).
Similar for the whole of Tees Valley which I believe their network is fully commercial.
Also a monkey could run the 1/30/31/37/38/39/40 in Newcastle and make a profit yet Stagecoach still needs tax payers money to make these work...
Arriva Durham Country is a bit more questionable but then again the routes aren't great routes, small villages linking to multiple dead towns etc.