(8 hours ago)Storx wrote Sure I've already said this tonight about the Newcastle plans but again, this is fixing a problem that doesn't exist. There's no traffic along the dual carriageway near Hastings Hill, ever, so I don't understand the point in wasting money there.
The Durham Road stuff is literally replacing some signs and again wasting money on a small section of road near the A19, which again doesn't have traffic issues.
Broadway, being the exception, but the roundabout is the issue there more than anything.
The idea of taking the roundabout out at the Broadway isn't going ahead now.... which isn't good, the road is lethal, right in front of a school too.
I remember when I was in year 6 and one of the girls in my class, was knocked over and broke her leg in 3 places, she had to have a cage put on and that was in 2002....