(01 Mar 2025, 8:26 am)L469 YVK wrote Would GNE not be better making some 'sensible' frequency reductions, to free up vehicles?
- 307/309 - Got Arriva's 306/308 and Nexus 350/351, could reduce frequency?
- X21 - Got Arriva's 6 & X21, reduce frequency?
- X31 - needed especially off peak? Got X30 & X32
- X66 - is 10 minute frequency needed during weekdays with 49/49A also running?
- 1 (Newcastle > W.Bay) is 20 minute service needed when got Stagecoach 22 and other alternatives?
Not saying go all out to make cuts like when there was driver shortages. But a bit of sensible trimming of routes could help out.
Surely the sensible routes would be the likes of the 4/20/21/33/41/41A/56/64/84/85 which are all very frequent and wouldn't be a real loss if slightly less frequent. I know some have BSIP funding but GNE shouldn't be getting the 21 funding anyway as they're missing boards all over the place.