This is how I can see it finishing up
Group E
1. England
2. Switzerland
3. Slovenia
4. Lithuania
5. Estonia
6. San Marino
A lof people will be complacent and think we will simply 'piss it' some players may think that too, Estonia and San Marino apart, the others will not let England have things there own way, Ljubljana and Bern could be a banana skin as could Vilnius, apart from the likes of San Marino, Andorra, Liechtenstein etc, there is no real easy games in International Football anymore
In my own opinion, all 10 games can be won with relative ease, but I will be pissed with anything less than 26 points(8 wins and 2 draws), the draws most likely being Switzerland and Slovenia, with them and Lithuania upping there game when big, nasty England comes to town...
I have no doubt we will qualify because of the new qualifying system, I think we will be top 2, I am more worried about how we approach the games, if we are too complacent with a 'we only to show up and it is job done' attitude, then we are in for a shock, this is England we are talking about, of course we will do things the hard way...
Lets Look at the other groups and my prediction for the top 3 in each
Group A:Holland, Kazakhstan, Iceland, Latvia, Turkey, Czech Republic.
1. Holland
2. Czech Republic
3. Turkey
Group B: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Andorra, Cyprus, Wales, Israel, Belgium.
1. Belgium
2. Bosnia
3. Wales
Group C: Spain, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Belarus, Slovakia, Ukraine.
1. Spain
2. Ukraine
3. Slovakia
Group D: Germany, Gibraltar, Georgia, Scotland, Poland, Republic of Ireland.
1. Germany
2. Poland
3. Rep.Ireland
Group F: Greece, Faroe Islands, Northern Ireland, Finland, Romania, Hungary.
1. Greece
2. Romania
3. Northern Ireland
Group G: Russia, Lichtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, Austria, Sweden.
1. Sweden
2. Russia
3. Montenegro
Group H: Italy, Malta, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Norway, Croatia.
1. Italy
2. Croatia
3. Norway
Group I: Portugal, Albania, Armenia, Serbia, Denmark, France.
1. Portugal
2. France
3. Denmark
I predict the best 3rd place team to be Turkey, leaving Wales, Slovakia, Rep.Ireland, N.Ireland, Montenegro, Norway and Denmark to play off
I am interested in the odds for England, one bookie has put of 100/1 ON...I cant think I have ever seen odds that short for a team to qualify for a major International Championship...Fozz's Turf Accountancy will not be opening a book on this one as it seems to be a foregone conclusion...
In one paper this morning, it was reported that the FA are worried about attendances for Qualifying and may have to slash ticket prices, ain't that a shame, if they want a full house every game, the FA should give something back to the fans and if that means pricw cuts, then so be it, because England Supporters are among the most passionate of all National Teams...
It is about time the F(ascist)A(rseholes) did something to benefit the fans...
Anyway, essay and rant over sir