There seemed to be a lot of problems in Gateshead today with Hills Street being closed. 3 x66's inc the Northern mentioned earlier, pulled out of Gateshead this afternoon more or less following each other. Coming along Askew Road, there were any amount of buses queing to get over the Tyne Bridge.
Between Prince Consort Road and the Aletaster in Low Fell which took 5mins max, I passed 3 Angels heading North (two of them in the same bus stop). Bearing in mind I was driving, but between Gateshead and the actual angel (10/15mins), there was nothing heading south. Just miles of seeing people at bus stops and then empty bus lanes...
I havent been on the GNE facebook page, but if that pattern happened over the course of the day and is ongoing, I pity the ones having to answer queries.
RE: Go North East