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Poll: Which of the following best describes how often you visit The Bygone Era?

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I visit The Bygone Era regularly/from time-to-time 18 (72.00%)
I would visit more if more files were online 7 (28.00%)
I don't visit The Bygone Era 0 (0%)
* You voted for this item. Total: 25 vote(s) (100%)
NEB Admin Team
RE: End of the line?
Thanks auerolin, that's much appreciated! Big Grin

I'm not as clued up on technical stuff as the other members of the Forum Team are, but this gives us some definite food-for-thought on how best to grow the site because I think that time has come now.

End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?