(26 Mar 2014, 11:04 am)marxistafozzski wrote Hope you can get back on your feet soon mate, bedt of luck pal
Hopefully something will come along.
Today I a Trip into Sunderland before my Appointment at Ingeus and decided to take some Photos of the Gas Buses on the 16/20 at Various Spots including Hastings Hill/Pennywell - Chester Road - Royal Hospital - Millfield (Pit Stop at Grandparents for Dinner Break) - Stockton Road Diversion - Sunderland City Centre(Wilkinsons/Winter Gardens), Overall I had quite nice few hours Photographing these Buses although I didn't get on a Single one of them.
There was interesting/confusing thing happened when taking a Photo of 28012 at Hastings Hill, as the Driver for some reason took a Photo of me on his Mobile Phone and then said something which I didn't catch a word of as he drove past, has anyone ever had this happen to them before as it was very odd.
Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/adammalark...973970484/
More photos to come over the past 2 Months over the Next Week or So.