(13 Apr 2013, 9:40 pm)ne14ne1 wrote(13 Apr 2013, 9:47 am)Rob wrote
(12 Apr 2013, 10:26 pm)tyresmoke wrote I don't think capacity is the issue on 58s, I think GNE just saw an opportunity for a cheap "upgrade" which seems to have spectacularly backfired.
Capacity is an issue, the rigid stock could not meet demands at peak times. The 58 is one of the those services which has a regular flow of passengers throughout the day, it doesn't have a particularly empty period. Yes, the busiest section is only between Newcastle and Heworth, but demand rockets at peak time, as such higher seating capacity is a requirement for this service.
I agree, capacity is an issue on the Citylink 58. When I'm based in town I use the citylink morning and night - some mornings the artics are absolutely jam packed, with not even standing room available. The aisle is full from the very back all the way to the driver, the bendy bit has a crowd in and the centre and rear exit ways are fit to burst open.
Arriving at the city centre stops all 3 sets of doors open and passengers pour out - any other/new vehicle double deck or single (presumably would be single doored) would just be annoying and claustrophobic lol.
If you remember when they first arrived from London, GNE's thinking was to convert the ones allocated to CentreLink x66 services to 2-door - understandable as with it being non-stop a few extra seats were more important than boarding/alighting times - And those allocated to CityLink 58 where left as 3 doors due to being on a heavily used/stopping commuter service - plus if I remember correctly it was approaching the busy christmas shopping period when they enterd service which brings an increase in customers too.
On the Newcastle side of the service which I use along the coast road other services, especially the cobalt clipper, often run past full so it’s always a relief to see a bendy bus arriving as there’s a better chance of getting on and being able to head to work lol.
Sure it’s disappointing some of the merc artics haven't been very reliable, and one of the 58 reg examples screams horribly when turning, but I seriously would see replacing these with anything other than new 3 doored bendies would be a downgrade.
Just my opinion anyway
P.S if the X40 service gets bendies us Citylinkers are more than entitled to have them too!![]()
I happily stand corrected on the loadings on 58s then - admittedly I live in Teesside so don't see 58s at their peaks when I visit! If its like that then I'm not even sure deckers would cope properly due to the lack of standing space, it would still need a frequency increase!