I wonder whether or not GNE will have a B5TL demo for the X1. How long would a Volvo dealer allow GNE to operate a trial bus for? Here's an idea for a trial if the dealer would allow it:
- 1 Month on the Red Arrows operating on a 7 day basis for 28 days operating the longest running board of the day. That trial will go well but, below is the real test and one that will answer this question:
"Can a lightweight double deck bus with a small engine below 7l but not a Hybrid, live up to the same standards and performance akin to a traditional heavyweight double deck vehicle operating a rural and or endurance route with speeds typically of 50mph+ and the route distance typically of 40 mile or more!"
Here is the trial in relation to the above question. "Operation Smoggie". One month on the TTX operating the longest running board of the day for 1 month! If operation smoggie (unlikely) proves to be successful, then great. However if it proves to be unsuccessful, the Volvo and Wrightbus may look at the data and decide to hopefully by 2019, come up with a more suitable vehicle akin to the calibre of the Volvo B9TL.
RE: 2014 GNE Bus Order Predictions