Least we gonna get both services (X3/X36).. Wonder if the X36 will run its routes GNE had chosen but will connect for every 30 mins at boldon asda.
X3 will only require 2 buses once changes happen..
X36 Will probleys take around 55/60 mins to Newcastle. (might also require 2 buses)
Wonder if these 2 buses could be branded but probleys be B10's, Unless GNE want to boost the euro engine and use versa's from the 36?
By VOSA, the 36 and 99 will still change but the 26 might stay the same as now... tbh i was hoping it would move to heworth and not jarrow still...
The 9, looks like it will stay every 30 mins...
Edit: Wonder what the frequancy of the 36 will at now, since the X36 will only be hourly instead of half hourly..
Only asking incase the X36 will be a seperate service now.
RE: Go North East
Ooo Friend, Bus Friend.