I'm not too sure to what extend the SimpliCity brand would be retained on these services. Residents on the current 36 route can get a £8.30 SimpliCity ticket. To abolish this ticket would be a fare increase of £3.10 a week for the Sunderland Saver at £11.40, and the loss of a competitive edge over Stagecoach. If it was retained though, where would you draw the line? Valid only between Town End Farm, Red House and Sunderland as per the existing 36 route? Or the whole proposed 36 loop around to Castletown too? And where would 26 and X36 tie in too - SimpliCity also valid between Sunderland and Downhill on these services? I feel it just gets too messy!
Andreos to be honest I find the journey times planned between Sunderland Enterprise Park/Castletown and Washington completely unattractive. 40/45 minutes yet it only takes 10 minutes maximum by car. The loop serving Concord and Coach Road Estate isn't going to encourage passengers wanting to make trips between Enterprise Park/Castletown - Washington which I hope would have been a well appreciated link. Apparently, the extension of service 73 to Washington is thanks to pressure levied by The Teal Farm Tribune.
Much appreciated Adam about info on Streetlites to Saltwell Park and Drifter. Also something to look forward to in July