(27 Apr 2014, 9:37 am)Andreos Constantopolous wrote Was chatting with the eldest about how apart from his team,we have both lost interest in football this season, whether it is Newcastle or games on the telly.
However, we both agreed that going to see Gateshead regularly the last month or so has been enjoyable, entertaining and exciting.
The atmosphere has improved at each game too. Much better than in previous seasons.
You should start watching some Northern League as well mate, it is a good standard...
Congrats to Gateshead, I hope they do themselves justice in the playoffs against Grimsby, home advantage in the second leg is a blessing hopefully, pleased to see Crowds are up, and it will only go one way if they win promotion, onwards and upwards...
Gary Mills has done what I thought would never be done, get Gateshead to within a whisker of the league, just getting to the playoffs is an achievement, if it dont happen this year, I am confident he will make an assault on the Division next season
