(01 May 2013, 7:23 am)Michael wrote(01 May 2013, 7:20 am)Daniel wrote Today's Sunderland rare working of the day goes to the Pointer 2 Dart on the X1! Unfortunately didn't get a photo.
Haha, as rare as it get's these day's!
Sunderland have had a few odd balls lately, with Reserve ALX200s being used on Sunday just gone and Reserve ALX200s also being used on services they're not so commonly associated with!
I eagerly await the day when a monumental cock-up is made, and something other than an Enviro gets on the 5/5A. Think it's owing to the contract that the services only ever see the Enviros though - can't imagine many staying spare in the depot though, so I anticipate a break down! Haha