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Poll: Which of the following best describes how often you visit The Bygone Era?

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I visit The Bygone Era regularly/from time-to-time 18 (72.00%)
I would visit more if more files were online 7 (28.00%)
I don't visit The Bygone Era 0 (0%)
* You voted for this item. Total: 25 vote(s) (100%)
NEB Admin Team
RE: End of the line?
As things stand now, I'd love nothing more than to be able to increase our capacity right now and continue updating The Bygone Era with the stack of new material a member very kindly donated. Since this thread has started, I've been successful in finding a place of my own which is closer to work, and I'm moving out before the end of the month. Because of this, I'm not in a position to be able to increase our server space until I'm settled in and I know where I'm at financially.

The Bygone Era is definitely top of my list priority wise and once I'm settled and in order, I'm looking forward to making this happen for the site Smile

Thanks for your continued interest though, it's very much appreciated!

End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?
RE: End of the line?